Exercise and Depression
Can a few laps around the block actually solve your emotional problems? Probably not, but a regular exercise program might help. A review of studies stretching back to 1981 concluded that regular exercise can improve mood in people with mild to moderate depression. It also may play a supporting role in treating severe depression.
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Exercising to relax
Rest and relaxation. It’s such a common expression that it has become a cliché. And although rest really can be relaxing, the pat phrase causes many men to overlook the fact that exercise can also be relaxing. It’s true for most forms of physical activity as well as for specific relaxation exercises.
Exercise is a form of physical stress. Can physical stress relieve mental stress?
- Even though Canadians are among the world’s biggest consumers of antidepressants, the challenges of getting off these drugs aren’t well-publicized. “According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Canadians are the fourth-highest users of the drugs among western nations.