The most resilient people report
two times the quality of life.
Resilient people experience half
the stress productivity loss.
Resilient people are thirty one
percent more engaged.
Resilience is a 21 century factor in determining
well-being and human performance
The good news is that employers WANT to help
According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 32% of Canadian business leaders are taking action to address workplace mental health, while 42% are interested but haven’t taken action due to barriers such as lack of time, resources, or know-how.
Lets talk about about the benefits
Meet our workplace mental health consultants
3 ways
to build individual & organizational resilience.
for organizational health
A smart initiatives for a strong competitive advantage
organizational resilience
training options
Group based training online or in person gamification
resilience skills
Resilience is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation of well-being and effective functioning for an individual and for a community.
~ World Health Organization (emphasis added)
The Resilient Mind executive training gave me the same feeling you get when you’ve come home for the holidays to your parents’ place. What we have here is an honest-to-goodness experience in an environment one goes to reflect on whatever it is their dodging in life. My experience helped me create more awareness of my psychological functions in order to optimize them to reduce stress and increase quality of life.
As former Manitoba Minister of Health, transferring from 9 years in public service to private health care consulting was a challenging transition. Most of my career, I focused on developing my IQ, but through The Resilient Mind executive program, I have developed my EQ (emotional quotient). The trickle-down effect on my executive capabilities has been like a secret weapon in reducing my stress and increasing engagement with people. I would like to thank the team at The Resilient Mind project and highly recommend it.